Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A New Adventure

I spent the week between classes ending and moving to Marietta with one plan in mind: to have no plans. It worked out great for the first few days; then, I had to get somewhat structured to make sure I got everything done before I left. A lot of running around, running errands, and catching up with friends and family in those last few days! 

I got to see what my mom has been working up with my veil. It's beautiful! I'm so excited to try it on with the dress once it's finished. And it's extra special because my mommy's making it. :) We've hit a bit of a snag with the shoes I wanted (they're waaaayyyyy more expensive than we thought they were), so it's kind of back to the drawing board with those. I've got a couple of ideas up my sleeve, though. We've gotten a lot of other things done in the last few weeks, largely due to our wonderful wedding planners: Carol and Dianne of CPR Distinctive Events. They've helped us with finding our officiant, musicians, and a ceremony coordinator, choosing the chairs for the ceremony, deciding on the best layout for the reception, and generally keeping an eye on the details that make the big picture come together.

I spent my first few days in Marietta settling in and tying up loose ends with paperwork at Grady. Yesterday I spent 8 hours in a classroom doing orientation (so super awfully boring) and today I ventured into the wonderful world of Burn Physical Therapy. I was really nervous going in, but everyone was so great! My CI is so relaxed and handles my million questions wonderfully. I feel genuinely comfortable asking her anything, as well as doing the same with any other therapists there. In my first day, I assisted with hydro therapy treatments, wound care (debriedment, bandage changes, skin/graft care), taught a patient an HEP before being discharged, and did some documentation. The patients I worked with had crazy stories; a brief synopsis of one patient includes burns, a TBI, C and T spine SCI's, and a transmetatarsal amputation in addition to multiple comorbidities. It's such an eye-opening experience, especially having grown up in Augusta and this being my first in-patient rotation. I really hope I can cut it!!

From left to right: Jessica helping me put together my desk in my PURPLE room, Mr. Darcy napping after the drive to Marietta, and my new name badge that took attempts to make correctly. :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dear Double Sticks....

We did it! We finally finished our classes and can now venture out into the pseudo real world of PT! Such an amazing feeling to know that it's behind us and we made it through to the other side. Still kind of unbelievable, actually...

Ok, so you all saw me cry plenty Thursday night, but in case you still didn't know: I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I'M GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH! Seriously. We've been on this roller coaster together for the last 2 years and I couldn't have chosen better people to share that with. You guys kept me sane when I honestly thought I was losing my mind. The way we rally behind each other really shows me who we are. We take care of each other. I say this in present tense, because we're here. I'm here. For good. If anyone ever needs anything ever ever, I'm here. And the best part about it is that I know those feelings are reciprocated. We're the kind of close that doesn't go away. And if nothing else, see you all at graduation!!!!

Here are some pictures of some of my most memorable moments over the last couple of years that you were a part of. It was crazy looking back at pictures of the first summer, knowing how I never thought we would actually get to where we are now. And in less than 1 year, we will be Doctors of Physical Therapy! Woo-hoo!

P.S. - I love my paper plate award: Most Likely to Update Blog During Class! :)