Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy birthday, Me!

Tim was able to take a bit of time off of work to come up to visit me for my birthday! He came up on Tuesday (the day before my birthday) and brought Voltron. It was soo great to come home from work and eat dinner together and watch Glee together and everything. I, of course, went to bed early while Tim read his book. Pretty much a perfect night. :)

On my birthday morning, I woke up and got to play with Voltron while I got ready for work. It was so fun! He gets so excited when you wake up so he can finally play instead of laying around. Too cute! Work was good - My CCCE, CI, fellow student, and I went to the Urban Market near Grady for some amazing burgers, fries, sweet potato chips, and milkshakes for lunch... Totally recommend Grindhouse Burgers if you're in the area! I got off of work a little early and came home to hang out. After a brief nap, we video chatted with my sister and had a wonderful breakfast themed dinner made by Jessica - breakfast pizza and cinnamon cake! So yummy! Juan, the older of my younger brothers, was able to come over for dinner, too. All in all it was a great family dinner! Jessica even gave me a platter off of our wedding registry as a birthday gift! Tim had to leave so he could be at work in the morning..... And then I moped around for a while. Two more weeks until I move back to Augusta and only about 6 more months before we get to go to bed together and wake up together every day. I'm so ready to not say goodbye anymore!!

Anyway, it was a great birthday! I so appreciated everyone who called, texted, and facebooked me. It definitely put a smile on my face every time my phone would buzz with a new email notification! :)

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